
2.2 Further customisation using the SMART HHC
There are some other features of the control unit that can be changed at this stage:
The following parameters can be recalled from the “Info” menu, and those shown * below can be site
configured :-
P701 MESSAGE *general purpose 32 character message
P710 TAG *control unit identifier (8 characters)
P700 DESCRIPTION *E.G. control unit application or location (16 char)
P702 DATE Automatically updated on exit if changes made
P722 FINAL ASSY No. Factory set – hardware assembly number
P760 SENSOR SERIAL No Factory set – LVDT serial number
P660 PASSWORD * 3 level password system.
Simply enter any message or tag number as appropriate and the control unit will retain this information in
memory for future identification. This is particularly useful if you are likely to interrogate the control unit
using the HHC from a remote location.
Refer to Appendix D for more detailed information.
Units of Operation and Display
The units displayed on the display or the HHC when used can be changed from the default “%” using P610
accessible through the “Program”Engineer sub-menu.