Model IFT9701 Transmitter Instruction Manual 55
Configuration with ProLink II Software continued
Configuration with Communicator TroubleshootingConfiguration with ProLink IIFlowmeter Startup
6. Run three batches of fluid, resetting the scale and totalizer between batches. For each batch,
record the weights indicated by the scale and the totalizer.
7. Divide Total Weight
by Total Weight
. This is the mass-flow meter factor. Record the
meter factor.
8. Multiply the meter factor from Step 7 by the first five digits of the current flow calibration
factor. This is the first five digits of the new flow calibration factor.
9. Enter the new flow calibration factor into the Flow Cal text box in the Flow panel. The
complete flow calibration factor should have eight digits and two decimal points:
• Enter the value from Step 8 as the first five digits and first decimal point.
• For the last three digits and second decimal point, enter the last three digits and second
decimal point from the flow calibration factor entered in Step 2.
10. To verify the accuracy of the new flow calibration factor, repeat Step 6. The amount of fluid
indicated in the Totalizer Control dialog box should equal the weighed amount of fluid in the
batch, within accuracy specifications provided by Micro Motion for the flowmeter.
7.4 Characterization
Characterization involves entering a density calibration factor that accurately represents the sensitivity
of the flowmeter to fluid density.
To characterize the flowmeter for density measurement:
1. From the ProLink menu, click on Configuration.
2. In the Configuration window, click on the Density tab. The Density panel, shown in
Figure 7-7, is displayed.
3. Enter the 14-character density calibration factor (including the decimal point) into the Density
Cal text box. The calibration factor can be found on the flowmeter’s serial number tag, or on
the certificate that is shipped with the meter.
First batch
Second batch
Third batch
Mass-flow meter factor
First 5 digits of new FloCal factor