SAM1000 Active (Virtual) Shelf Manager FRU Information and Sensor Data Records
AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
43 CPLD State Sensor
The following table describes the discrete CPLD state sensor available on the physical SAM.
2.4 SAM1000 Active (Virtual) Shelf Manager
This section describes in detail all available IPMI sensors of the Active SAM1000 at IPMB
address 0x20. The information in this section supports the SAM on both the AXP1406 and
AXP1600 shelves. The AXP1600 FRU and sensor data is highlighted and/or marked for ease
of use.
2.4.1 FRU Information
FRU 0 of address 0x20 corresponds to the main FRU information of the respective Physical
SAM that is running as the Active SAM; it could be either FRU 0 of IPMB address 0xFC or FRU
0 of IPMB address 0xFE.
Active Shelf Manager FRU Data, AXP1406
There are an additional eight managed FRUs (FRUs 1 to 8) that correspond to each of the eight
fan trays that cool the chassis. The Active SAM FRU information is addressed as FRU 254
which is cached information from data stored as a FRU 1 in each of the PEMs (IPMB addresses
0x66 and 0x68).
Table 2-23 Sensor No. 128 CPLD State
Feature Raw Value/Description Interpreted Value
Sensor Name CPLD State
Type of Measurement States of the Master and Backup
Shelf Managers
Class Discrete
Event/Reading Type 0x6F Sensor-specific
Sensor Type 0xDE OEM-reserved
Sensor Owner LUN 0x00
Entity ID 0xF0 PICMG Shelf Management
Entity Instance 0x60
Rearm mode Auto
Event message control Entire Sensor only
Assertion Event Mask (bytes
0xF7, 0x07
Deassertion Event Mask (bytes
0x00, 0x00
Discrete Reading Mask (bytes
19, 20)
0xF7, 0x07 Supports 10 States
Reading Definition According to Motorola XXX