Sensor Overview FRU Information and Sensor Data Records
AXP1406/AXP1600 Subsystem IPMI Programmer’s Reference (6806800B66C)
2.3.4 Sensor Overview
The following table lists all IPMI sensors available on the physical SAM at IPMB addresses
0xFC and 0xFE. The information in this section supports the SAM on both the AXP1406 and
AXP1600 shelves. The AXP1600 FRU and sensor data is highlighted and marked for ease of
Table 2-3 Sensor Overview
No. Sensor Name
Type of
What does it
Type Availability
0 FRU 0 HOT_SWAP Status State of FRU Discrete Always
1 IPMB LINK Status State of IPMB link Discrete Always
2 Vbat Voltage Analog Always
3 Vcc 3.3 V voltage Voltage Analog Always
4 +12 V voltage Voltage Analog Always
5 +1.8 V Voltage Analog Always
6 MAX6656 INT @1A Temperature Analog Always
7 MAX6656 EXT1 @1A Temperature Analog Always
8 MAX6656 EXT2 @1A Temperature Analog Always
9 PEM A Status PEM A Presence Discrete Always
10 PEM B Status PEM B Presence Discrete Always
11 NSC A
1. These are additional sensors on the SAM1000 for the AXP1600.
Status NSC Board
Discrete Always
12 NSC B
Status NSC Board
Discrete Always
13 AXP Backplane ID OEM Backplane Bus
Discrete Always
14 12 V In B Valid Status Power Unit Discrete Always
15 12 V In A Valid Status Power Unit Discrete Always
16 Fault Event OEM Shelf Manager
Rebooting Notifier
Discrete Always
17 POST Results Status Management
Subsystem Health
Discrete Always
18 Shelf FRU Info OEM Shelf Fru Info
Discrete Always
128 CPLD State OEM Master and
Backup Shelf
Manager State
Discrete Always