A-6 SNMP Internet-standard Protocol Connectivity Module
Recommended ASCO SNMP MIB file
A file containing 934904-xxx.mib can be downloaded from the location shown below.
The 934904-xxx.mib file is written in the MIB module definition language based on the SMI specifications.
This protocol file contains a structure block of information pertaining to ATS status and analog data. When
SNMP is enabled, the CM polls for the information and shares it with requesting SNMP manager(s). The
SNMP manager must use the file as a reference in sending SNMP requests for ATS information.
Troubleshooting SNMP Configuration
Problem Cause Solution
SNMP Manager cannot communicate
with the Connectivity Module; do not
get trap message after alarms occur.
- Host running SNMP Manager is
not in the same network or
Connectivity Module
- SNMP is not enabled.
- Incorrect SNMP IP Manager IP
- Incorrect SNMP community
- Check SNMP configuration at
Connectivity Module
configuration page.
- Hook up a laptop to the same
network and ping the
Connectivity Module and SNMP