ii Welcome Connectivity Module
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Who Should Use this Installation Manual
This manual for the Connectivity Module should be used to assist individuals who will:
• install the Connectivity Module (mount and wire)
• configure the Connectivity Module
• enter in information about your Automatic Transfer Switches
(7000 & 4000 Series, Series 300, ASCO 940,962,436,434,447,448)
• use Ethernet access to monitor Connectivity Module (connected devices)
Prerequisites A working knowledge of Windows XP
and Windows Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
(with Microsoft Virtual Machine or the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment
loaded) is necessary to configure the Connectivity Module.
Important information To properly set up the software, you will need the nameplate data and other
that you will need
information from all your Automatic Transfer Switches including:
• ATS Name (your designation for the ATS)
• ATS Location (where the ATS is located in the building)
• Voltage Rating, Ampere Rating, and number of Poles for each ATS
• Catalog No. and Serial No. of each ATS
• Type of ATS (ATS or ATS/BP [ATS with bypass-isolation switch])
• Device Address (set in each ATS, Power Manager , or Digital Power Meter)
Product Manuals that you may need
7000 & 4000 Series ATS & Group 5 Controller 381333-126 & appropriate ATS manual
Series 300, ASCO 940, 962, 436, 434, 447, 448 ATS appropriate ATS manual
Power Manager Xp, Catalog 5220D, 5220T 381333-199
Digital Power Meter, Catalog 5210 381333-368
Serial Module, Catalog 5110 (Acc. 72A) 381333-240
ATS Remote Annunciator, Catalog 5310 (1 channel) 381333-316 & 381333-317
ATS Remote Annunciator, Catalog 5350 (8 channel) 381333-314 & 381333-315
Tip Ö Communication Address form is included at the back to help you fill in needed information on your
Connectivity Modules, ATSs, Power Managers, Digital Power Meters.
The Connectivity Module provides Ethernet-access that allows users to view data from ASCO automatic
transfer switches, Power Managers, and Digital Power Meters. All users must follow these precautions:
To avoid possible shock, burns, or death, deenergize all electrical
sources to the ATS before installing the Connectivity Module.
Be sure that Users to whom you give access are those persons that you want to
view information about the electrical system.
ATS Remote Annunciator kits 8 channel K871966-004, 1 channel K871966-005
Kits include: ATS Remote Annunciator (RA), Connectivity Module (CM), power supply, mounting hardware, connecting cable
The CM can be configured to provide ATS data to ATS Remote Annunciators (RA) over Ethernet either on encryption disabled
or enabled mode. Details on how to configure all required parameters for the two modes are in the RA manuals listed above.
Encryption disabled mode is the default operation mode for both the CM and the RA. In this mode, the TCP port and protocol
assigned must be the same for both devices.
Encryption enabled mode is when both the CM and RA are configured for AES 128-bit encryption/decryption
communication. In this mode, the AES mode and AES port settings in the CM are enabled and assigned a value respectively.
Note that the AES port value must be different from the TCP port value (see screen on page 2-1).
Likewise, in the RA, encryption must be enabled and the TCP port is assigned with the same value as the AES port of the CM.
Note that the encryption works only on RAs with software version -003 or higher (refer to Configuration, Annunciator screen).