System Configuration Manual
300510EN, Rev AA
December 2010
Rosemount Raptor
Section 5. Installing a Raptor Level Gauging System
Advanced Configuration
To configure delay times and time-outs perform the following steps:
1. In the Slave Protocol Channel Configuration window, select the
Communication tab and click the Advanced button:
2. The following default values are used for the TRL2 Modbus Slave
3. The Async Mode check box can be used to enable the async mode. The
Async Mode is used to improve communication when the system
communicates with many Com ports.
4. Choose one of the following three options for Backup Mode:
• None
• Write Commands Rejected means that TankMaster does not accept
any write commands from the host system to device database registers
•In Silent mode the ModbusSlave protocol will not send any replies to
requests coming from the host computer while the local tankserver is in
backup mode
Query to Response Delay 10 ms
Query interval 100 ms
Read Query Timeout 400 ms
Write Response Timeout 400 ms
Max. Response Time 800 ms
Backup Mode None