System Configuration Manual
300510EN, Rev AA
December 2010
Rosemount Raptor
Section 5. Installing a Raptor Level Gauging System
5.11.1 Overview Basically the purpose of the tank installation procedure is to associate various
devices to the right tanks. It also includes mapping variables such as Free
Water Level and Vapor Pressure to specific instrument outputs.
By using the Tank Installation wizard, installing a new tank is a simple and
straightforward procedure.
Make sure that measurement units are specified before installing a new tank.
See also “Measurement Units” on page 5-16.
The specified measurement units only affect installation of new tanks.
Changing measurement units has no effect on tanks which are already
installed in WinSetup. This means that if you want to change measurement
units for a previously installed tank, it has to be uninstalled first, and then
installed again after changing the measurement units in the Server
Preferences/Units window. See also “Measurement Units” on page 5-16.
A tank installation includes the following steps:
1. Specify tank type: Fixed Roof, Floating Roof, Sphere, Horizontal etc.
2. Select which devices to associate with the tank.
3. Configure the tank:
Specify source signals for Free Water Level (FWL), Vapor Temperature,
Vapor Pressure and Liquid Pressure to be used for inventory
calculations, see “Advanced Parameter Source Configuration” on
page 5-74.
4. Specify automatically measured or manual values as input for the
different tank variables.