UPS Alarm and Status Messages
Input Current Limit
An active Input Current Limit alarm means the
detected input current (RMS) exceeds the limit
setpoint (default is 125%). This may be normal
depending on various operating conditions, such
as input voltage level, output load level, and
whether the batteries have recently discharged.
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Observe the meters on the One-Line Display for
input voltage level, battery charge/discharge
current, and output load percentage kW. Investigate
any abnormal readings.
If the reason for the alarm cannot be determined,
contact your factory-authorized service provider.
Input Disconnect
(Q1) Open
The rectifier disconnect device indicates that it is
in the open position.
Input Disconnect
(Q11) Open
The externally mounted input isolator indicates
that it is in the open position.
Input Filter Cycle
The Input Filter Disconnect is locked open.
The Input Filter Disconnect Cycle counter has
exceeded the setpoint. The Input Filter
Disconnect opens automatically as determined by
the disconnect settings, or because of an unusual
An example of a setting would be to automatically
open the filter disconnect under light load
conditions to improve the input power factor. An
example of an unusual condition would be
unbalanced currents on the input, possibly
because of a suspect component in the filter itself.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Attempt to manually close the disconnect by
pressing “Startup,” “Device Control,” “Close Trap.”
If the condition which caused the filter disconnect to
lock open is still present, it re-opens.
If the disconnect cannot be manually closed or the
alarm cannot be cleared, contact your factory-
authorized service provider.
Input Not Avail
This summary alarm means there is a problem
with input power. It is not acceptable to the
If the unit is running normally when this event
occurs, the UPS goes to battery.
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Examine the One-Line Display. The Rectifier input
line feeding the Input Breaker should be green. If
not, investigate source power to the UPS.
If input power is good, and this alarm is active,
contact your factory-authorized service provider.
Internal Comm
This is a summary event caused by an
interruption in communication between the
controls and a device on the Controller Area
Network (CAN).
The Internal Communication Error event indicates
a loss of communications between the controls
and an external device.
The Internal Communication Error is displayed
when the controls detect a loss of communication
to a device on the Controller Area Network (CAN).
An infrequent occurrence that resets immediately
is probably not serious.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Press “RESET” to clear the alarm.
If the alarm cannot be reset, or if the alarm condition
returns, contact your factory-authorized service
Inv Overload Ph A
An overload condition is active on A phase.
A phase load condition exceeds 105%.
A countdown timer is displayed on the One-Line
Display in response to this alarm, and indicates
the time remaining until a transfer to bypass
occurs. The length of time remaining until transfer
is directly proportional to the severity of the
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Check the Module Output Meter and note the A
phase load percentage.
If possible, reduce A phase loading.
If the steady state load remains above 105%, allow
the UPS to transfer to bypass and contact your
factory-authorized service provider.
If the displayed load percentage is less than 100%
and the alarm is still active, contact your factory-
authorized service provider.
Table 7 Liebert NXL alarm and status messages (continued)
Event Message Event Definition Recommended Action