UPS Alarm and Status Messages
Batt Discharging
The UPS is on battery.
The most common reason for going to battery is a
loss of rectifier input power (power outage).
This alarm is self-clearing. When the condition is
no longer present, the alarm and any control
activity tied to the alarm reverts to normal.
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Observe the One-Line Display. If the input line is
orange, black, or gray, the battery discharging
condition is normal.
If the input line on the One-Line Display is green,
check the Active Event Window for potential fault
conditions that could explain why the UPS is on
battery. An example of this could be “Rectifier
Monitor the UPS during the battery discharge. The
display shows the discharge curve of the battery.
When the Battery Voltage Line touches the End of
Discharge Line, the UPS shuts down.
Check the bypass line on the One-Line Display. If
the line feeding the Static Bypass Switch (BPSS) is
green, the unit can be transferred to bypass by
pressing “Transfer,” “Bypass” to transfer the load to
the bypass source. Note that transferring to bypass
could expose the load to an outage if the bypass
source fails.
If the battery is discharging because of a fault such
as “Rectifier Fault” in the Active Event Window
rather than an actual power outage, transfer to
bypass if available, and contact your factory-
authorized service provider.
Batt Equalizing
The batteries are being equalized.
Battery equalization stops automatically based on
the Equalize Time Setting.
This status message is self-clearing. When the
condition is no longer present, the message and
any control activity tied to the status event reverts
to normal.
In normal operation, no user response is required.
Equalize charge can be terminated at any time by
pressing “Battery Management,” “Manual Battery
Equalize,” “Stop.”
Batt Ground Fault
Detected battery ground current exceeds the trip
A possible symptom that could cause this alarm is
a leaking battery.
This alarm has a higher detection setpoint than
“Battery Ground Fault Current Warning,” and if
present, means that the Battery Ground Fault
Current is excessive.
This alarm could cause Battery Breakers to trip if
the “Battery Ground Fault Trip Enable” setting is
Press “SILENCE” to silence the audible alarm.
Are any Battery Circuit Breakers tripped?
Perform a visual inspection of the batteries in the
tripped string(s). Look for signs of leaking battery
acid or excessively corroded battery terminals.
If there are no visible signs of defective batteries,
press “RESET” to try and clear the alarm.
Close any open breakers one at a time, pressing
“RESET” after each one to see which string is
causing the alarm. The string reporting the fault,
when online, will not allow the alarm to reset.
Once the location is identified, or if the battery string
tests are inconclusive, contact your factory-
authorized service provider.
Table 7 Liebert NXL alarm and status messages (continued)
Event Message Event Definition Recommended Action