Note: The server utility runs on servers attached to CX3-series, CX-series, and
AX-series storage systems. CX3 model 10 systems must be running FLARE
OE or later. CX3 model 20 systems, CX3 model 40 systems,
and CX3 model 80 systems must be running FLARE OE 03.22.xxx.5.yyy or
later. CX200, CX300-series, CX400, CX500-series, CX600, and CX700 systems
must be running FLARE 02.16.xxx.5.yyy or later.AX150-series systems must
be running FLARE 02.20.xxx.5.yyy or later. AX100-series systems must be
running FLARE 02.16.xxx.5.yyy or later.
About the Admsnap Utility
interactively or by a script to manage SnapView® clones and snapshots.
The Admsnap Utility resides on the servers connected to the storage
system with the SnapView driver installed.
Use admsnap commands to:
Scan for new storage devices
Make storage devices inaccessible to the server operating system
Flush cache data to disk
List current snapshot devices
Map and unmap to a SnapView session
Start and stop a SnapView session
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide