-ipa spAipaddress |-sphosta spAhostname
-configure with the –ipa switch sets the IP address of SP
A, or the server name for SP A for the specified storage system.
-ipb spBipaddress |-sphostb spBhostname
-configure with the –ipb switch sets the IP address of SP
B, or the server name for SP B for the specified storage system.
-mask subnetmas
-configure wit
hthe–mask switch sets the subnet mask for
the specified s
torage system.
gateway gateway
-configure with the –gateway switch sets the gateway for
-user username
-configure with the –user switch sets the storage-system login
username. Used with AX-series storage systems only.
-password pas
-configure w
ith the –password switch sets the storage-system login
password. Us
ed with AX-series storage systems only.
storagename storagename
-configure with the –storagename switch sets the
name for the specified storage system.
Displays the help screen and does not start the initialization process.
EMC CLARiiON Server Support Products for Solaris Server Installation Guide