This manual may not reflect your actual device’s operation. All information is subject to change
without prior notification. Please follow your actual device’s operational procedures.
This manual contains important safety measures and information about how to correctly use this device. To
avoid an accident, make sure you carefully read this manual before operation.
Many services and applications offered through this device may be provided by third parties. Before you use,
link to or download a service provided by a third party, or an application such as a location-based GPS-type
service, chat room, marketplace or social network from your device, you should review the terms of such
service or application and applicable privacy policy. Personal information you submit may be read, collected
or used by the service or application provider and/or other users of those forums. Ematic is not responsible for
any information, content or services you access, download, or use from the Internet. You are responsible for
maintaining virus and other Internet security protections when accessing the internet.