
Earthquake • MiniMe User Manual
(7) Auto ON/OFF (11) 110-120V AC Power
When the main “POWER” ON/OFF switch is in the
“OFF” position, this switch has no affect on the
The Earthquake MiniMe is equipped with a built in
subwoofer. When the main “POWER ON/OFF” switch
standard, two-prong power connection.
is in the “ON” position, this switch allows the auto
circuit to be engaged. When this switch is in the
“AUTO” position, the subwoofer will automatically turn
(12) Line Fuse
“on” when it senses a signal. It will automatically turn
The subwoofer is supplied with a conservative, slow-
“off” after 20 minutes with no signal. When this switch
blow type fuse to protect the electronics.
is in the “ON” position, the subwoofer will remain “on”
as long as the “POWER” ON/OFF switch is in the
“ON” position.
(8) High Level Inputs
Under normal conditions, the preferred connection is
through the Line Level inputs. If this is difficult or not
possible in your system, then you can use the
Speaker Level inputs. Also, if you experience
excessive noise or hum with the Line Level input,
often a simple change to the Speaker Level input will
result in a lower background noise level.
Connect the Speaker Level inputs to the speaker-level
outputs of your amplifier or receiver using speaker
wire. The binding posts can accept bare wire
connections only.
(9) High Level Outputs
High Level: Connecting the Subwoofer using the high
level speaker connections: On the rear of your MiniMe
Subwoofer are two pairs of red and black binding
posts. One set is marked “Input” and one set is
marked “Output”, with each pair designated as left or
right. Each post is color-coded black/red. These
terminals will accept up to 16-gauge quality speaker
wire. The Inputs should be connected to the left and
right speaker terminals of your amplifier or receiver.
The Outputs should run from the subwoofer to the left
and right satellite speakers. Remember: Always
connect red-to-red and black-to-black, when making
connections between an amplifier/receiver to the
subwoofer. If you inadvertently reverse one of the
connections (i.e., red-to-black), you will notice a lack
of bass from your subwoofer.
(10) Manual ON/OFF Switch
In the “ON” position, the subwoofer will remain “on”
constantly or can turn “on” and “off” automatically
when the “AUTO/ON” circuit is engaged. In the “OFF”
position, the subwoofer will remain off until the switch
is manually turned back to the “ON” position.
inspecting or changing the fuse. Never
use a fuse with a larger current rating
than recommended.
Always unplug the power cord before