Earthquake • MiniMe User Manual
Control Panel Overview
(4) Power Status LED
(5) Line Level RCA Inputs
(6) Sub Operation Switch
(7) Auto ON/OFF
(8) Speaker Level Inputs
(9) Speaker Level Outputs
(10) Manual ON/OFF Switch
(11) 110-120V AC Power Connection
Line Fuse
( ) 3 0-180° Phase Shift
( )
Frequency Adjustment
2 50Hz - 160Hz
(1) Volume Control
The LED will light red when the amplifier is in standby
(1) Volume Control
mode and green when the amplifier is on and
Manual volume control to regulate your subwoofers
receiving a signal.
power output, to prevent clipping and distortions
caused by overpowering.
(5) Line Level RCA Inputs
Connect with RCA type patch cords to the line level
(2) 50Hz - 160Hz
output of your receiver or pre-amp.
Frequency Adjustment
If your pre-amplifier or receiver has a single sub/LFE
This controls the high frequency cutoff point. With the
output, connect it to the subwoofer's left input jack.
control set to the middle, the subwoofer will reproduce
frequencies up to 105Hz. If the control is set fully
There is no need to use the subwoofers right input
clockwise, the crossover is bypassed and the
jack. If you want to run your main/satellite speakers
subwoofer will reproduce a wide frequency range.
full range, use a "Y" adapter at the pre-amplifier
With the control fully counter-closkcwise the
subwoofer reproduces a narrow range, up to 50Hz.
In this way, you can send the pre-amplifier's output
Rotate the control until the bass sound natural. If the
signal to your main amplifier and to the subwoofer at
mid-bass sounds natural but you want more low bass,
the same time.
turn the control down a little.
(6) Sub Operation Switch
(3) 0-180° Phase Shift
In LFE position, the Frequency adjustment becomes
This control is used to acoustically match the
disabled and the subwoofer runs in a Full range
subwoofer’s output to your main speakers. Select the
mode, from 20Hz - 2kHz.
position, either 0° or 180°, in which your subwoofer
has more output at the listening position.
While in Sub position the subwoofer reverts to the
manual frequency adjustment, allowing the user to
operate and fine tune the subwoofer to their personal
(4) Power Status LED
Earthquake powered subwoofers have an LED on the
panel that indicates the status of the built-in amplifier.