Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide
Index Click the number below Index to access into the setting page of
Status Display if this schedule setting is active or inactive.
You can set up to 15 schedules. Then you can apply them to your Internet Access or VPN
and Remote Access >> LAN-to-LAN settings.
To add a schedule, please click any index, say Index No. 1. The detailed settings of the call
schedule with index 1 are shown below.
Enable Schedule Setup Check to enable the schedule.
Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) Specify the starting date of the schedule.
Start Time (hh:mm) Specify the starting time of the schedule.
Duration Time (hh:mm) Specify the duration (or period) for the schedule.
Action Specify which action Call Schedule should apply during the
period of the schedule.
Force On -Force the connection to be always on.
Force Down -Force the connection to be always down.
Enable Dial-On-Demand -Specify the connection to be
dial-on-demand and the value of idle timeout should be
specified in Idle Timeout field.