Vigor2900 Series User’s Guide
will contains 20 ms voice information. The more data contains
in a single packet the less overhead it creates but may increase.
Voice Active Detector Choose On to enable this function to detect if the user is talking
or not. If it is silent, the Vigor router will take action to save the
DTMF Mode InBand - Choose this one then the Vigor will send the DTMF
tone as audio directly when you press the keypad on the phone
OutBand - Choose this one then the Vigor will capture the
keypad number you pressed and transform it to digital form
then send to the other side; the receiver will generate the tone
according to the digital form it receive. This function is very
useful when the network traffic congestion occurs and it still
can remain the accuracy of DTMF tone.
SIP INFO- Choose this one then the Vigor will capture the
DTMF tone and transfer it into SIP form. Then it will be sent to
the remote end with SIP message.
Payload Type Choose a number from 96 to 127, the default value was 101.
This setting is available for the OutBand (RFC2833) mode.
Dynamic RTP port start Specify the start port for RTP stream. The default value is
Dynamic RTP port end Specify the end port for RTP stream. The default value is
RTP TOS It decides the level of VoIP package. Use the drop down list to
choose any one of them.