5D-Link ShareCenter Shadow DNS-325 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Rear Panel (Connections)
USB Copy/Unmount Button
USB Connector
Cooling Fan The cooling fan is used to cool the hard drives and features speed control. When the unit is rst
powered on the fans rotate at a low speed and rotate at a high speed when the temperature
rises above 49 °C.
Gigabit Ethernet Port Use the Gigabit Ethernet Port to connect the ShareCenter to the local network. The port is
equipped with both a LAN LINK (R) and Trafc LED (L) to indicate connectivity and trafc
respectively to the local LAN
Power Receptacle Connect the supplied power cord to the receptacle.
USB Connector A single USB 2.0 (Type A) connector. The USB Host port is for USB Printers, USB memory
disks or USB UPS monitoring.
Reset Button Press this button for more than 5 seconds to reset the unit to factory defaults.
HDD Eject Lever With the power removed and the front cover off use each slot’s lever to eject the HDD drive .
USB Copy/
Unmount Button
Press 1~3 seconds to copy data from a USB drive to your ShareCenter. Press and hold 5
seconds to unmount a USB drive.
Power Receptacle
Reset Button
HDD Eject Lever
Cooling Fan
Gigabit Ethernet Port