
5D-Link ShareCenter Shadow DNS-325 User Manual
Section 1 - Product Overview
Rear Panel (Connections)
USB Copy/Unmount Button
USB Connector
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Cooling Fan The cooling fan is used to cool the hard drives and features speed control. When the unit is rst
powered on the fans rotate at a low speed and rotate at a high speed when the temperature
rises above 49 °C.
Gigabit Ethernet Port Use the Gigabit Ethernet Port to connect the ShareCenter to the local network. The port is
equipped with both a LAN LINK (R) and Trafc LED (L) to indicate connectivity and trafc
respectively to the local LAN
Power Receptacle Connect the supplied power cord to the receptacle.
USB Connector A single USB 2.0 (Type A) connector. The USB Host port is for USB Printers, USB memory
disks or USB UPS monitoring.
Reset Button Press this button for more than 5 seconds to reset the unit to factory defaults.
HDD Eject Lever With the power removed and the front cover off use each slot’s lever to eject the HDD drive .
USB Copy/
Unmount Button
Press 1~3 seconds to copy data from a USB drive to your ShareCenter. Press and hold 5
seconds to unmount a USB drive.
Power Receptacle
Reset Button
HDD Eject Lever
Cooling Fan
Gigabit Ethernet Port