53D-Link ShareCenter Shadow DNS-325 User Manual
Section 4 - Configuration
Here the user can configure the FTP settings for this share. FTP
access can be:
1) FTP Anonymous None (No Access).
2) FTP Anonymous Read Only (Limited Access).
3) FTP Anonymous Read/Write (Full Access).
Click on the ‘Previous’ button to return to the previous window.
Click on the ‘Next’ button to accept the change and continue to the
next window.
Click on the ‘Exit’ button to discard the changes made and return to
the Network Shares Page.
If you checked NFS as an access method to your network
share then this step allows you to set the parameters below:
• Host - Allowable host address that can access using
NFS (* indicates all hosts)
• Root Squash - Disables writing to the Root owned
directories and files on the system when the user has
root access privileges.
• Write - provide write permission to the file system.
Step 3-1-2: