5. In the Network interface dropdown, select the network interface to be used by the SAN fabric.
6. In the Netmask field, type the netmask IP address.
7. In the VLAN Id field, type the VLAN ID for the iSCSI subnet.
8. In the NAS Controller table, for each NAS controller:
a) Click in the row of the NAS controller. The Edit NAS Controller dialog box appears
b) Enter an IP address to be used by the SAN fabric.
c) Click OK.
d) Repeat steps (a) to (c) for each controller.
9. Click OK.
Deleting an iSCSI Fabric
To delete an iSCSI fabric:
1. Click the Hardware tab on the left.
2. Click the SAN Fabrics tab on the top.
3. In the Overview pane, for the SAN fabric (named Fabric SAN, Fabric SANb, and so on) that you want
to delete, click .
4. Click Delete.
The Delete iSCSI Fabric dialog box appears.
5. Click OK.
Modifying iSCSI Portals
To modify the iSCSI portals configuration:
1. Click the Hardware tab on the left.
2. Click the SAN Fabrics tab on the top.
3. In the iSCSI Portals Overview pane click .
4. Click Modify iSCSI Portals.
The Modify iSCSI Portals dialog box appears.
5. If the target requires CHAP authentication, select the Target requires CHAP authentication
checkbox, and enter the user name and password details of an authorized user.
6. To add an iSCSI IP address:
a) Click the Add button under the IP address table. The New IP Address for iSCSI Storage dialog box
b) Enter the new IP address.
c) Enter a description for the new IP address.
d) Click OK.
7. To delete an iSCSI IP address:
a) Select the iSCSI IP address in the table.
b) Click .
8. Click OK.