9. Click OK.
Enabling or Disabling Reported Size Limiting for an NFS Export
To enable access for client machines that cannot handle large file systems, limit the reported size of the
NFS export.
1. Click the NAS Volumes tab on the left.
2. Click the All NAS Volumes tab on the top.
3. In the All NAS Volumes pane, click in the row of the volume whose NFS exports shares you want
to modify.
4. Click View Details.
5. Click the NFS Exports tab on the top.
6. In the NFS Exports pane, click in the row of the export you want to modify.
7. Click Modify.
The Modify NFS Export dialog box appears.
8. Enable or disable reported size limiting.
– To enable reported size limiting, select the Limit Reported Size To check box.
– To disable reported size limiting, clear the Limit Reported Size Tocheck box.
9. If reported size limiting is enabled, in the Limit Reported Size field, type the maximum reported size
for the NFS export, and select the size unit as kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), gigabytes (GB), or
terabytes (TB).
10. Click OK.
Enabling or Disabling 32-bit File ID Compatibility for an NFS Export
To preserve compatibility with 32‐bit applications, the FluidFS cluster can force 64‐bit clients to use 32‐bit
inode numbers for an NFS export.
1. Click the NAS Volumes tab on the left.
2. Click the All NAS Volumes tab on the top.
3. In the All NAS Volumes pane, click in the row of the volume whose NFS exports shares you want
to modify.
4. Click View Details.
5. Click the NFS Exports tab on the top.
6. In the NFS Exports pane, click in the row of the export you want to modify.
7. Click Modify.
The Modify NFS Export dialog box appears.
8. Enable or disable 32‐bit file ID compatibility.
– To enable 32‐it file ID compatibility, select the Report 32 bit inode to clients check box.
– To disable 32‐it file ID compatibility, clear the Report 32 bit inode to clients check box.
9. Click OK.
Deleting an NFS Export
If you delete an NFS export, the data in the shared directory is no longer shared but it is not removed.
1. Click the NAS Volumes tab on the left.
2. Click the All NFS Exports tab on the top.