
2. Click Save Target As in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Save Link As in Netscape Navigator, and specify c:\windows\system.
3. Click the Start button on the Microsoft Windows desktop, and then click Run.
4. Type regsvr32 hhactivex.dll and then press <Enter>.
5. Click OK when the installation is complete.
6. Right-click the following link to the file: Dell Dimension 2300 Tell Me How (.chm) (578 KB).
7. Click Save Target As in Microsoft Internet Explorer or Save Link As in Netscape Navigator, and specify a location on your hard drive.
Viewing the Tell Me How Help File
1. Click the Start button on the Windows desktop, point to All Programs® Accessories, and then click Windows Explorer.
2. Navigate to the directory in which you saved the Tell Me How help file.
3. Double-click the file (tellhow.chm).
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