CY7C68013A, CY7C68014A
CY7C68015A, CY7C68016A
Document #: 38-08032 Rev. *L Page 6 of 62
If Autovectoring is enabled (AV4EN = 1 in the INTSET-UP
register), the FX 2LP substitutes its INT4VEC byte. Therefore, if
the high byte (“page”) of a jump-table address is preloaded at
location 0x0054, the automatically inserted INT4VEC byte at
0x0055 directs the jump to the correct address out of the 14
addresses within the page. When the ISR occurs, the FX2LP
pushes the program counter onto its stack then jumps to address
0x0053, where it expects to find a “jump” instruction to the ISR
Interrupt service routine.
3.9 Reset and Wakeup
3.9.1 Reset Pin
The input pin, RESET#, resets the FX2LP when asserted. This
pin has hysteresis and is active LOW. When a crystal is used with
the CY7C680xxA the reset period must allow for the stabilization
of the crystal and the PLL. This reset period must be approxi-
mately 5 ms after VCC reaches 3.0V. If the crystal input pin is
driven by a clock signal the internal PLL stabilizes in 200 μs after
VCC has reached 3.0V.
Figure 2 on page 7 shows a power on reset condition and a reset
applied during operation. A power on reset is defined as the time
reset that is asserted while power is being applied to the circuit.
A powered reset is when the FX2LP powered on and operating
and the RESET# pin is asserted.
Cypress provides an application note which describes and
recommends power on reset implementation. For more infor-
mation about reset implementation for the FX2 family of products
visit http://www.cypress.com.
Table 4. Individual FIFO/GPIF Interrupt Sources
Priority INT4VEC Value Source Notes
1 80 EP2PF Endpoint 2 Programmable Flag
2 84 EP4PF Endpoint 4 Programmable Flag
3 88 EP6PF Endpoint 6 Programmable Flag
4 8C EP8PF Endpoint 8 Programmable Flag
5 90 EP2EF Endpoint 2 Empty Flag
6 94 EP4EF Endpoint 4 Empty Flag
7 98 EP6EF Endpoint 6 Empty Flag
8 9C EP8EF Endpoint 8 Empty Flag
9 A0 EP2FF Endpoint 2 Full Flag
10 A4 EP4FF Endpoint 4 Full Flag
11 A8 EP6FF Endpoint 6 Full Flag
12 AC EP8FF Endpoint 8 Full Flag
13 B0 GPIFDONE GPIF Operation Complete
14 B4 GPIFWF GPIF Waveform
3. If the external clock is powered at the same time as the CY7C680xxA and has a stabilization wait period, it must be added to the 200 μs.
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