CY7C68013A, CY7C68014A
CY7C68015A, CY7C68016A
Document #: 38-08032 Rev. *L Page 27 of 62
70 55 37 30 7G CTL1 or
O/Z H Multiplexed pin whose function is selected by the
following bits:
CTL1 is a GPIF control output.
FLAGB is a programmable slave-FIFO output status
flag signal.
Defaults to FULL for the FIFO selected by the
FIFOADR[1:0] pins.
71 56 38 31 8H CTL2 or
O/Z H Multiplexed pin whose function is selected by the
following bits:
CTL2 is a GPIF control output.
FLAGC is a programmable slave-FIFO output status
flag signal.
Defaults to EMPTY for the FIFO selected by the
FIFOADR[1:0] pins.
66 51 CTL3 O/Z H CTL3 is a GPIF control output.
67 52 CTL4 Output H CTL4 is a GPIF control output.
98 76 CTL5 Output H CTL5 is a GPIF control output.
32 26 20 13 2G IFCLK on
PE0 on
Interface Clock, used for synchronously clocking data
into or out of the slave FIFOs. IFCLK also serves as a
timing reference for all slave FIFO control signals and
GPIF. When internal clocking is used (IFCONFIG.7 = 1)
the IFCLK pin can be configured to output 30/48 MHz
by bits IFCONFIG.5 and IFCONFIG.6. IFCLK may be
inverted, whether internally or externally sourced, by
setting the bit IFCONFIG.4 =1.
PE0 is a bidirectional IO port pin.
28 22 INT4 Input N/A INT4 is the 8051 INT4 interrupt request input signal. The
INT4 pin is edge-sensitive, active HIGH.
106 84 INT5# Input N/A INT5# is the 8051 INT5 interrupt request input signal.
The INT5 pin is edge-sensitive, active LOW.
31 25 T2 Input N/A T2 is the active-HIGH T2 input signal to 8051 Timer2,
which provides the input to Timer2 when C/T2 = 1.
When C/T2 = 0, Timer2 does not use this pin.
30 24 T1 Input N/A T1 is the active-HIGH T1 signal for 8051 Timer1, which
provides the input to Timer1 when C/T1 is 1. When C/T1
is 0, Timer1 does not use this bit.
29 23 T0 Input N/A T0 is the active-HIGH T0 signal for 8051 Timer0, which
provides the input to Timer0 when C/T0 is 1. When C/T0
is 0, Timer0 does not use this bit.
53 43 RXD1 Input N/A RXD1is an active-HIGH input signal for 8051 UART1,
which provides data to the UART in all modes.
52 42 TXD1 Output H TXD1is an active-HIGH output pin from 8051 UART1,
which provides the output clock in sync mode, and the
output data in async mode.
51 41 RXD0 Input N/A RXD0 is the active-HIGH RXD0 input to 8051 UART0,
which provides data to the UART in all modes.
Table 11. FX2LP Pin Descriptions (continued)
56 VF-
Name Type Default Description
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