Special FunctionsPlayback
When playingan MP3disc, anavigation menu willbe displayedautomatically. Inthe menu,use UP
or DOWNcursor buttonsto choosethe folder, thenpress PLAY/ENTERto enterthe folder. Usethe
UPand DOWNcursor buttons toselect thefile andpress PLAY/ENTER.Pressing the LEFTcursor
button willtake youto theprevious screen/menu.
This unitemploys a screen savermode tohelp protectthe tube duringstatic videopictures. Thiscan
be turnedoffon the GENERALSETUPPAGE.
When a disc containing standardJPEG picturefiles is insertedinto the player, a
navigation menu will be displayedautomatically. Use the UP and DOWN cursor
buttons to select a file then press PLAY/ENTER. The slide show will commence.
Press PREVIOUS or NEXT to move betweenpictures. Presspause to stop on the
current picture. Press PLAY/ENTER to resume normalplaying.
AJPEG disc containsJPEG (.jpg) formatpicture informationthat can be decoded
by a micro-computer software anddisplayed throughthe video outputinterface or on
the television screen.
This function has many applications. For example one can save files froma scanner
or digital camera in theJPEG format,record these on a CD-R disc and present them
to an audience through thisplayer.
The JPEG format is aconvenient methodto store images in a smallamount of
memory space, and is ideal for archivinginformation.