Configuring Apache [3]
Apache is highly configurable, and your site may have special configuration
needs. See the Apache documentation on the CrayDoc CD or at
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/ for more details.
Whether you install in Stand-alone or Shared mode, CrayDoc requires certain
information from your Apache configuration file. These settings are found in the
Apache httpd.conf file:
ServerName The name returned to the web browser
by the Apache web server. Example:
DocumentRoot The root path of your HTML documents.
ScriptAlias The root path of your CGI scripts.
User The name or UID under which the web server will
execute CGI processes.
Group The name or GID under which the web server will
execute CGI processes.
Caution: The User and Group settings are very important for your
installation. They must refer to a real user and a real group on your system.
Unless your Apache installation was compiled with the suEXEC option (see
Section 2.3, page 8), all CGI processes will run as the user and group specified
in your httpd.conf file, which means that the same user or group must have
correct permissions to all your CrayDoc files.
In Stand-alone mode, we recommend that you create a specific system user
and group for use with Apache and CrayDoc. Something appropriate and easy
to remember (like user craydoc and group craydoc) is recommended. This
will give you the most control and security over your installation.
In Shared mode, you must know the User and Group settings in your Apache
configuration so that you can verify that your CGI scripts are executable and
your files readable by the web server. For security reasons, you should not
make your CGI scripts world-executable, and depending on your particular
installation, you may not want to make your documentation world-readable
either. See Section 2.3.2, page 9 for more details.
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