CrayDoc™ Installation and Administration Guide
1.2 Software Requirements
CrayDoc requires the following software, all of which are included on the
CrayDoc Documentation Library CD:
1. Apache version 1.3.x or later
2. Perl version 5.005 or later (version 5.6.1 recommended)
3. DB_File Perl module version 1.7.2 or later
4. CGI Perl module
5. Dumper.pm Perl module
6. Sendmail.pm Perl module (for the optional Order Form function)
The version of Perl on the CrayDoc CD includes the correct versions of all
modules needed for CrayDoc.
1.2.1 Apache
There is a copy of the Apache version 1.3.20 source distribution and an INSTALL
file on the CrayDoc CD. Documentation for installing and configuring Apache is
freely available on the Internet as well; Apache powers 60% of the web servers on
the Internet. The Apache web site is http://httpd.apache.org/.
If you decide to compile Apache yourself from source, see Section 2.3, page 8.
If you already have Apache installed, see Chapter 3, page 11 for help configuring
it for CrayDoc.
1.2.2 Perl
The source distribution of Perl version 5.6.1 is included on the CrayDoc CD along
with the Perl INSTALL file.
Note: Be sure to make a note of your Perl installation path for later use in
configuring CrayDoc.
Perl versions 5.6.0 and later include the required Perl modules, so if you are using
Perl version 5.6.0 or later, you should not need to install them separately. To
verify your Perl version, type the following at a shell prompt:
Perl -v
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