Figure 20
To remove radiator cap:
1. Turn the cap counter clockwise to the first stop and wait there for a few seconds.
2. Push the cap down and turn it further in the same direction and remove the cap.
NOTE: Inspect the old coolant for visual evidence of corrosion and abnormal smell.
Fill the radiator up to the bottom of the radiator filler neck with coolant. Install the cap,
turning it clockwise about ¼ turn.
Tools recommended for impeller service:
• Flat head screwdriver
• 5mm hex key
• 13mm- hex wrench
• 1/8” hex key
• 9/64” hex key
• 3/32” hex key
• Propane torch
• 3/8” diameter x 8” long steel rod
• Hammer
1. Remove exhaust pipe and gas tank (you will be using a propane torch in step 12.
2. Remove radiator cap and drain engine coolant by removing the 13mm- hex head
coolant drain plug.
3. If the impeller is damaged or broken completely back flush the coolant system to
ensure no solid pieces are in the system.
4. Remove foot brake.
5. Drain engine transmission oil by removing drain screw using a 13mm- hex
wrench. (item 2 in the figure below).
6. Remove kick-starter cover using a 5mm hex key. (item 3 six places)
7. Remove clutch and basket.
8. Unscrew water elbow fitting. (Figure 21)