• Non-resistor spark plug caps should be used. Resistor caps will result in a
weaker spark that will reduce performance.
• Make sure ground wires are secure. If the bike is not grounded it will not run.
• Make sure connections are free of dirt.
If the engine is hot, it is EXTREMLY important to take the ignition cover off, put a
fan on it to let it cool, and spray it with CRC 3-36 or WD-40. If you don’t maintain
the ignition, it is destine to burn up the stator. (Stator- Part # ICMU0007)
Timing on the 2003 CM50 is very crucial. Cobra has found that the best place to
set it is at 0.050” before Top Dead Center (0.050” before the piston’s highest
point of travel). We do not recommend advancing the ignition timing as it will
cause the engine to run very hot, in-turn causing power loss, shortened clutch
life, and possibly lead to premature stator failure.
Tools recommended for timing service:
• Compact motorcycle dial indicator
• Universal clutch puller- a universal puller that pulls the clutch, main drive gear
and rotor. (Part # MCMUTL70).
1. Remove the spark plug cap, and sparkplug.
2. Insert the dial indicator into the spark plug hole.
3. Remove the four 8/32” X 1 ¾” bolts from the ignition cover.
4. Remove the water pump belt from the rotor and water pump shaft.
5. Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise until it reaches top dead center.
6. Set the dial indicator to zero
7. Turn the crankshaft clockwise until the dial indicator reaches 0.050” (1.3 mm)
from top dead center.
8. Line up the lines on the stator and the rotor (figure 18). Otherwise loosen the
three 10X32 bolts to adjust the stator.
If you cannot adjust your stator, you must take the rotor off and readjust the
timing settings so the lines line up on the rotor and stator. The rotor is not keyed
to the crankshaft.
1. Use the universal clutch puller on the rotor to remove it.
2. Insert dial indicator (figure 19).
3. Turn the crankshaft counterclockwise so it reaches top dead center.
4. Move the crankshaft clockwise to 0.050” (1.3 mm) before top dead center.