
Licensing Information
Licensing Information
The radio operates on all currently allocated marine channels and is switchable for
use according to International, Canadian or U.S.A. regulations. It features instant
access to emergency Channel 16 by pressing one key.
Station License
The UK requires a ship’s radio license and a marine radio operator’s certificate
before transmitting equipment can be used aboard a vessel. Other European
countries have specific requirements of their own.
For detailed information and applications, contact the Radio Licensing Centre run
by Royal Mail in the UK. In other countries, contact the relevant national postal or
telecommunications authority.
Canadian or U.S.A. Station License
If your vessel will be entering the sovereign waters of Canada or the U.S.A., you
should contact Industry of Canada, Radio Regulatory Branch or the U.S. FCC
(Federal Communications Commission) for licensing and operating information.
Radio Call Sign
A radio call sign is included as part of the ship’s radio license in the UK.
Other countries may have different practices; contact your local regulatory
authority for information.
User Responsibility and Operating Locations
All users are responsible for observing domestic and foreign government regulations
and are subject to severe penalties for violations. The VHF frequencies on your radio
are reserved for marine use and require a special license to operate from land,
including when your boat is on its trailer.
VHF Marine Radio Protocols
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