Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Using the Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive
Restoring your content from a backup only copies it from your C2N Home Backup
Drive /CDs/DVDs to your computer, and does not delete it from these media.
Important: Clickfree never erases or replaces content on your computer’s hard drive,
unless you ask it to replace a file during restore.
Clickfree never erases anything other than the backups it has performed. Any
other data stored on your C2N Home Backup Drive /CDs/DVDs is left
untouched and is never erased.
And unless you ask it to remove backed-up content, Clickfree never erases or
replaces content on your C2N Home Backup Drive. Clickfree never erases or
replaces content on your CDs or DVDs.
Your Clickfree backups are also handy for moving or copying data from one computer
to another.
Normally you don’t use Clickfree to back up your programs or operating system
(Windows), only the data that you have created or copied to your computer – music,
photos, letters, emails, tax information etc. In this guide we refer to this data as content.
Information used by your computer and stored in a specific place on your hard drive. A
file may be content, a program or part of a program, or information a program uses in
some way.
Sometimes the relationship between content and file is clear: a photo or a letter is usually
a single file. On the other hand, a single email message may be just a part of a large file
that contains many messages, and related information such as email addresses, calendar
events etc. However, you don’t need to be concerned about this because Clickfree takes
care of all the details for you.
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