Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive User Guide Backing Up My Content (HD)
3. Log in again as Administrator.
4. Plug the Clickfree C2N Home Backup Drive in again.
The backup then starts automatically.
• Your computer settings may prevent Clickfree from running automatically
because “Autorun” is turned off.
To fix this problem, follow these steps. You only need to do this once, not every time
you use Clickfree.
As an alternative, you can temporarily bypass autorun. If you use this method, you
will have to follow this procedure every time you connect the Clickfree C2N Home
Backup Drive.
♦ To turn on Autorun – Windows XP:
1. Download the “autoplay repair wizard” from the Microsoft website.
2. Run the program.
♦ To turn on Autorun – Windows Vista:
1. Click the Start button on your computer, then click Control Panel.
2. In the screen that appears, click
3. Scroll to the bottom of the
Autoplay screen and select Restore all defaults.
4. Click
♦ To temporarily bypass Autorun – Windows XP/Vista:
1. Wait for two minutes after you connect your C2N Home Backup Drive to your
2. Click the
Start button on your computer, then click My Computer
(WindowsXP/2000) or
Computer (Vista).
3. In the screen that appears, find
4. Right-click and select
5. Double-click
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