Using the LCD Keypad
Note: The following section is applicable to MPX 5500, MPX 5550/5650, MPX
7500/9500, MPX 8200/8400/8600/8800, MPX 9700/10500/12500/15500, MPX
11500/13500/14500/16500/18500/20500, MPX 17500/19500/21500, MPX
17550/19550/20550/21550, and MPX 22040/22060/22080/22100/22120 appliances
When you first install the appliance, you can configure the initial settings by using the
LCD keypad on the front panel of the appliance. The keypad interacts with the LCD
display module, which is also on the front panel of these appliances.
Note: You can use the LCD keypad for initial configuration on a new appliance with the
default configuration. The configuration file (ns.conf) should contain the following
command and default values.
set ns config -IPAddress -netmask
The functions of the different keys are explained in the following table.
Table 4-1. LCD Key Functions
Key Function
< Moves the cursor one digit to the left.
> Moves the cursor one digit to the right.
^ Increments the digit under the cursor.
v Decrements the digit under the cursor.
. Processes the information, or terminates the configuration, if none
of the values are changed. This key is also known as the ENTER key.
To perform the initial configuration by using the LCD keypad press the "<" key.
You are prompted to enter the subnet mask, NetScaler IP address (NSIP), and gateway
in that order respectively. The subnet mask is associated with both the NSIP and
default gateway IP address. The NSIP is the IPv4 address of the NetScaler appliance.
The default gateway is the IPv4 address for the router, which will handle external IP
traffic that the NetScaler cannot otherwise route. The NSIP and the default gateway
should be on the same subnet.
If you enter a valid value for the subnet mask, such as, you are
prompted to enter the IP address. Similarly, if you enter a valid value for the IP
address, you are prompted to enter the gateway address. If the value you entered is
Chapter 4 Initial Configuration