Figure 1-29. Citrix NetScaler MPX 5500, back panel
The following components are visible on the back panel of the MPX 5500:
Four GB removable CompactFlash card that is used to store the NetScaler software.
Power switch, which turns off power to the MPX 5500, just as if you were to unplug
the power supply. Press the switch for five seconds to turn off the power.
Removable hard-disk drive (HDD) that is used to store user data. Appliances shipped
before February, 2012 store user data on a HDD. In appliances shipped after
February, 2012, a solid-state drive replaces the HDD. Both types of drive have the
same functionality and support the same software releases.
USB port (reserved for a future release).
Non-maskable interrupt (NMI) Button that is used at the request of Technical
Support and produces a core dump on the NetScaler. You must use a pen, pencil, or
other pointed object to press this red button, which is recessed to prevent
unintentional activation.
Power supply rated at 300 watts, 110-220 volts. The power-supply fan is designed to
turn on only when the internal temperature of the power supply reaches a certain
value. You cannot see the fan turning on the back panel. What you can see is the
fixed part of the fan that holds the spinning motor.
Citrix NetScaler MPX 5550 and MPX 5650
The Citrix NetScaler models MPX 5550 and MPX 5650 are 1U appliances. Each model has
one quad-core processor and 8 gigabytes (GB) of memory.
The following figure shows the front panel of the MPX 5550/5650 appliance.
Figure 1-30. Citrix NetScaler MPX 5550/5650, front panel
Depending on the model, the appliance has the following ports:
RS232 serial console port.
Chapter 1 Introduction to the Hardware Platforms