Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 4 Managing a FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet Service Request
Setting the Service Request Details
If you do not check this check box, you will be prompted to provide the VPN ID in the VPLS VPN ID
field, as covered in the next step.
• When AutoPick VPLS VPN ID is checked, ISC allocates a VPLS VPN ID from the ISC-managed
VC ID resource pool. In this case, the text field for the VPLS VPN ID option is non-editable.
• If AutoPick VPLS VPN ID is checked and a service request already exists that refers to same VPN
object, the VPLS VPN ID of the existing service request is allocated to the new service request.
Step 7 If AutoPick VPLS VPN ID was unchecked, enter a VPLS VPN ID in the VPLS VPN ID field.
Usage notes:
• The VPLS VPN ID value must be an integer value corresponding to a VPN ID.
• When a VPLS VPN ID is manually allocated, ISC verifies the VPLS VPN ID to see if it lies within
ISC’s VC ID pool. If the VPLS VPN ID is in the pool but not allocated, the VPLS VPN ID is
allocated to the service request. If the VPLS VPN ID is in the pool and is already in use, ISC prompts
you to allocate a different VPLS VPN ID. If the VPLS VPN ID lies outside of the VC ID pool, ISC
does not perform any verification about whether the VPLS VPN ID allocated. The operator must
ensure the VPLS VPN ID is available.
• The VPLS VPN ID can be entered only while creating a service. If you are editing the service
request, the VPLS VPN ID field is not editable.
Step 8 The Configure Bridge Domain check box is check by default and cannot be changed.
Usage notes:
• For VPLS, all configurations are under the SVI.
• When the FlexUNI feature is used, all configurations are under the SVI and also associated to a
bridge domain.
Step 9 Check the Use Split Horizon check box to enable split horizon with bridge domain.
Usage notes:
• The Use Split Horizon attribute is disabled by default.
• The Use Split Horizon attribute can be used only when the Configure Bridge Domain check box is
checked (enabled).
• When Use Split Horizon is enabled, the bridge domain command in the CLI will be generated with
split horizon. When it is disabled, the bridge domain command will be generated without split
Step 10 Click the “Click here” link of the Description attribute to enter a description label for the service
A dialogue appears in which you can enter a description.
Step 11 To set up direct connect links, see the section Setting Direct Connect Links, page 4-10.
Step 12 To set up links with L2 access nodes, see the section Setting Links with L2 Access Nodes, page 4-20.
Local Core Connectivity
If the MPLS Core Connectivity Type for the FlexUNI/EVC Ethernet policy is LOCAL, the EVC Service
Request Editor window shown
Figure 4-3 appears.