Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 9 Creating a VPLS Policy
Defining an MPLS/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE
There are two core types for VPLS policies:
• MPLS—running on an IP network
• Ethernet—all PEs are on an Ethernet provider network
Step 8 Choose the Service Type of the VPLS policy.
There are two service types for VPLS policies:
• Ethernet Relay Multipoint Service (ERMS). (The MEF name for ERMS is EVP-LAN.)
• Ethernet Multipoint Service (EMS). (The MEF name for EMS is EP-LAN.)
Step 9 Check the CE Present check box if you want ISC to ask the service operator who uses this VPLS policy
to provide a CE router and interface during service activation.
The default is CE present in the service.
If you do not check the CE Present check box, ISC asks the service operator, during service activation,
only for the PE router and customer-facing interface.
Defining an MPLS/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE
This section describes how to define a VPLS policy with an MPLS core type and an ERMS (EVP-LAN)
service type with CE present.
Figure 9-2 is an example of the first page of this policy.
Figure 9-2 MPLS/ERMS (EVP-LAN) Policy with a CE
Perform the following steps.
Step 1 Click Next. The window in Figure 9-3 appears.
The Editable check box gives you the option of making a field editable. If you check the Editable check
box, the service operator who is using this VPLS policy can modify the editable parameter during VPLS
service request creation.