
Command Summary
Cisco Micro Hub User Guide
show hub statistics
Syntax: show hub statistics [hub id]
Mode: Guest
Description: Displays statistics for the specified hub since the last time the clear-counter or
restart command was entered.
Command Keyword Definition
hub id—(Optional) Number used to identify the hub in a stack. An integer
between 1 and 5. Read the section “Hub ID Numbers” earlier in this chapter
for information about how to determine hub ID numbers.
Statistics are displayed in the following format:
Hub> show hub statistics 1
Alignment CRC Total
Hub ID Frames Bytes Collisions Errors Errors Errors
1 1039 29354 264 23 12 486
Command Display Definitions
Hub ID—Position of the hub in the stack, from top to bottom.
Frames—Number of frames (packets) passing through the hub.
Bytes—Number of bytes passing through the hub.
Collisions—Number of times that network devices attached to any one of the
hubs in the stack have attempted to send data simultaneously.
Alignment errors—Number of mis-synchronized data packets.
CRC errors—Number of CRC errors.
Total errors—Total number of errors, including the following types: frame
control sequence, alignment, frames-too-long, short events, late events,
jabber, and data rate mismatches.