Cisco CallManager System Guide
Chapter 40 Cisco IP Phones
Phone Administration Tips
Searching by Calling Search Space
If you choose calling search space, the options that are available in the database
display, you can choose one of these options from the drop-down list box below
the Find button.
Searching by Device Pool
If you choose device pool, the options that are available in the database display
(for example, default), you can choose one of these options from the drop-down
list box below the Find button.
Searching by LSC Status
If you choose LSC status, the options that are available in the database display
(for example, operation pending), you can choose one of these options from the
drop-down list box below the Find button.
Searching by Device Security Mode
If you choose device security mode, the options that are available in the database
display (for example, use system default), you can choose one of these options
from the drop-down list box below the Find button.
Finding All Phones in the Database
To find all phones that are registered in the database, choose Device Name from
the list of fields; choose “is not empty” from the list of patterns; then, click the
Find button.
[^] Any single character not
within the specified
range ([^a-f]) or set
Where au_lname LIKE
“de[^l]” lists all author
last names beginning
with de and where the
following letter is not l.
% Any number of
The expression SEP%
finds all phones that
begin with SEP, such as
SEP111, SEP2222,
SEP33333, and so forth.
Table 40-5 Wildcard Search Strings
Wildcard Character Description Example