Chapter 40 Cisco IP Phones
Phone Button Templates
Cisco CallManager System Guide
Make sure that all phones have at least one line that is assigned to each phone.
Normally, this assignment specifies button 1. Phones can have additional lines
that are assigned, depending on the Cisco IP Phone model. Phones also generally
have several features, such as speed dial, that are assigned to the remaining
You can delete phone templates that are not currently assigned to any phone in
your system if they are not the only template for a given phone model. You cannot
delete a template that is assigned to one or more devices or the default template
for a model (specified in the Device Defaults Configuration window). You must
reassign all Cisco IP Phones that are using the template that you want to delete to
a different phone button template before you can delete the template.
Note The standard phone button template for the Cisco IP Phone Model 7960, which
supports the Cisco IP Phone Model 7914 Expansion Module, includes buttons for
both devices (up to 34 buttons).
Use the Dependency Records link on the Phone Button Template Configuration
window to view the devices that are using a particular template.
Cisco CallManager does not directly control all features on Cisco IP Phones
through phone button templates. Refer to the Cisco IP Phone Administration
Guide for Cisco CallManager and other phone documentation for detailed
information about individual Cisco IP Phone 7900 family models.
Default Phone Button Templates
Although all Cisco IP Phones support similar features, you implement these
features differently on various models. For example, some models configure
features such as Hold or Transfer by using phone button templates; other models
have fixed buttons or onscreen program keys for these features that are not
configurable. Also, the maximum number of lines or speed dials that are
supported differs for some phone models. These differences require different
phone button templates for specific models.
Each Cisco IP Phone model comes with a default phone button template. You can
use the default templates as is to quickly configure phones. You can also copy and
modify the templates to create custom templates.