Windshield Wiper Blade Replacement ....... 505
Tires ............................................................ 507
Tire Sidewall Labeling ............................... 508
Tire Terminology and Definitions ............... 512
Inflation - Tire Pressure ............................. 515
Tire Pressure Monitor System ................... 516
Tire Inspection and Rotation ...................... 521
When It Is Time for New Tires .................. 523
Buying New Tires ...................................... 524
Different Size Tires and Wheels ................ 526
Uniform Tire Quality Grading ..................... 527
Wheel Alignment and Tire Balance ............ 528
Wheel Replacement .................................. 528
Tire Chains ............................................... 530
If a Tire Goes Flat .................................... 531
Changing a Flat Tire ................................. 532
Removing the Spare Tire and Tools .......... 533
Removing the Flat Tire and Installing
the Spare Tire ....................................... 537
Secondary Latch System ........................... 543
Storing a Flat or Spare Tire and Tools ...... 547
Spare Tire ................................................. 552
Appearance Care ........................................ 553
Cleaning the Inside of Your Vehicle .......... 553
Fabric/Carpet ............................................. 554
Leather ...................................................... 555
Instrument Panel, Vinyl, and Other
Plastic Surfaces ..................................... 556
Care of Safety Belts .................................. 556
Weatherstrips ............................................ 556
Washing Your Vehicle ............................... 557
Cleaning Exterior Lamps/Lenses ................ 557
Finish Care ............................................... 557
Windshield, Backglass, and Wiper
Blades ................................................... 558
Aluminum or Chrome-Plated Wheels
and Trim ................................................ 559
Tires ......................................................... 560
Sheet Metal Damage ................................. 560
Finish Damage .......................................... 560
Underbody Maintenance ............................ 560
Chemical Paint Spotting ............................ 561
Vehicle Care/Appearance Materials ............ 561
Section 5 Service and Appearance Care