Root Directory
The root directory of the CD-R or CD-RW is
treated as a folder. If the root directory has
compressed audio files, the directory is displayed
as the CD label. All files contained directly
under the root directory are accessed prior to any
root directory folders. However, playlists (Px)
are always accessed before root folders or files.
If a disc contains both uncompressed CD
audio (.CDA) and MP3/WMA files, a folder under
the root directory called CD accesses all of
the CD audio tracks on the disc.
Empty Directory or Folder
If a root directory or a folder exists somewhere
in the file structure that contains only
folders/subfolders and no compressed files
directly beneath them, the player advances to
the next folder in the file structure that contains
compressed audio files. The empty folder does
not display.
No Folder
When the CD-R or CD-RW contains only
compressed files, the files are located under the
root folder. The next and previous folder function
does not display on a CD-R or CD-RW that
was recorded without folders or playlists.
When the CD-R or CD-RW contains only playlists
and compressed audio files, but no folders, all
files are located under the root folder. The folder
down and the folder up buttons search playlists
(Px) first and then goes to the root folder.
Order of Play
Tracks recorded to the CD-R or CD-RW are
played in the following order:
• Play begins from the first track in the first
playlist and continues sequentially through
all tracks in each playlist. When the last track
of the last playlist has played, play continues
from the first track of the first playlist.
• Play begins from the first track in the first
folder and continues sequentially through
all tracks in each folder. When the last track of
the last folder has played, play continues
from the first track of the first folder.