Ultimate Flexibility
You and your family can enjoy the outside world together thanks to Chariot’s breakthrough concept
in child transport systems (CTS). CTS is all about being versatile without compromising performance.
Whether you stroll, jog, bike, hike or cross-country ski, your CTS carrier can quickly and easily be
converted so you can take your child wherever you want to go. Our carriers and kits have been long
chosen for their rock-solid quality, so having the flexibility of CTS doesn’t come at the price of safety.
We know that everyone leads a unique lifestyle and has different needs when it comes to our
products. That’s why the X-Country Series is sold as a CTS ready chassis. You simply choose the CTS
Conversion Kits you want to add so you get exactly the functions that you want. Check out our web
site for more information on CTS. www.chariotcarriers.com
This is the perfect way to start using
your Chariot. The CTS Strolling Kit
includes two easy-turning wheels that
are simple to attach to your carrier’s
for all-weather strolling.
* Baby comfort accessory may be required
If you enjoy getting out for a run, you’ll
need the CTS Jogging Kit which includes a
16” quick-release wheel and lightweight
aluminum arms. Just attach the arms to
your carrier’s VersaWings
and you are
off and running. Please note that each
Chariot is designed to work with a specific
Jogging Kit, so be sure to choose the right
kit for your model.
Hit the road with the CTS Bicycle Trailer
Kit. The stainless steel hitch cup stays
with your bike and the unique ezHitch
makes attaching and removing the
carrier a breeze. The CTS Bicycle Trailer
Kit includes the lightweight aluminum
hitch arm, axle-mount ezHitch™,
extra-tall safety flag and approved
reflector kit.
Take the load off your shoulders and pull
it behind you with the CTS Hiking Kit.
This unique kit features two lightweight
aluminum tow bars and a padded
shoulder harness.
You don’t need to stop when the snow
starts to fly. The CTS Cross-Country Ski
Kit features two lightweight Rossignol
skis and telescoping aluminum tow bars
with waist belt. This kit works great
with both classic and skate skiing.
At the hea rt of the CTS Syste m is Cha riot’s
revolutionary VersaWing
. This innovative
syste m ma kes adding a ny conversion kit or
accessory as si mple as pressing a button.
It all
starts here!
Jogging Kit
(Six months and up)
Bicycle Trailer Kit
(One year and up)
Hiking Kit
(Six months and up)
Cross-Country Ski Kit
(Six months and up)
Strolling Kit
(Newborn and up)*
What can CTS do for you?
In a snap, convert your carrier into one of five great activities: stroll, jog, bike, hike and cross-country ski.