FSC Logo
Photography by:
Stephen Wilde www.stephenwilde.com
Brett Gilmour www.brettgilmour.com
and Chris Nieckar
Designed by:
ecentric media inc. www.ecentric.ca
Bikes supplied by:
Dahon Canada www.dahon.ca
Brodie www.brodiebikes.ca
Thanks to Saloman Sports and Ryders Eyewear for suppling clothing to our models
Modeling by: friends, family and staff.
A big thanks goes out to everyone that
has helped with the production of this brochure!
One Chariot.
A World of
Environmental Benefits Statement
By using paper made from 100% recycled content to print all of
our English and French product guides, we:
■ Saved the equivalent of 224 mature trees
■ Reduced sold waste by 14,000 lbs
■ Reduced the quantity of water used by 134,300 gallons
■ Reduced suspended particles in the water by 91 lbs
■ Reduced air emissions by 27,600 lbs
■ Reduced natural gas consumption by 32,600 cubic feet
3M and Scotchlite are trademarks of 3M.
Used under licence in Canada.