4. Fastening the Baby and Adjusting the Safety Belts
4.2 On the Cheetah1, Cheetah2 and Comfort models
Attach the insert of the crotch
harness into the fastex buckle
unit on the shoulder harness.
To do this, lift the tab in the lower
part of the shoulder harness so
you can make the click
First adjust the crotch harness so that the padded belt is located in
the V-area (see line) of the child’s lower chest area.
Then tighten the shoulder harnesses on both sides equally, so that
the baby is safely fastened by the belts. Make sure that the child
feels comfortable.
Please note: Check that
the lap belt and shoulder
harness are secure and that
the buckles are properly
4.1 On the Cabriolet, CX1, CX2, Cougar1, Cougar2,
Pull the shoulder harness as
shown through the O-ring of
the crotch harness.
Guide the belt clip through the
slot of the baby seat towards
the back.
Engage the insert within the
fastex buckle unit on the
shoulder harness behind the
baby seat.
Guide the padded shoulder harness over the baby’s head.
Corsaire XL and Captain XL models