First pull one of the two straps
at the front end of the baby
seat through the corresponding
Fit the second strap in exactly
the same fashion. Now pull
both straps tight so that the
baby seat is positioned cen-
Now lay both the straps that are
at the top end of the baby seat
around the top crossbar inside
the trailer.
Pull both straps as in
illustration A through the two
fasteners at the rear of the
baby seat and pull them gently.
Illustration A
We recommend folding the basic unit slightly for the next step, so as to slacken off the fabric cover.
We recommend not pulling the
straps too tight, otherwise once
you fold the unit out again the
baby seat will be under too
much tension.
The next step is to connect the safety belts in the trailer with the baby seat:
Insert the trailer seat crotch
harness from the rear through
the slot in the baby seat in front
of the flap for the padding.
Insert the ring through the
elastic loop at the end of the
flap for the padding.
Insert the shoulder harness that
is on the appropriate side of the
baby seat through the lower or
upper slot of the baby seat,
depending on the size of the child.
Working towards the rear, insert
the shoulder harness through
the ring of the lap belt and the
corresponding slot on the other
side of the baby seat.
Connect the insert of the fastex
buckle with its unit on the
backrest of the trailer seat.
(The fastex buckle should be in
its lowest position.)
Thread the end of the strap as
shown in the above illustration
through the fastener in the baby
seat and gently pull the strap