
Screen is hard to read
Pocket PC Terminal screens without backlighting can be hard to read under reduced light.
Position a lamp so that the light shines directly on the screen.
If youre having a hard time viewing a document in Notes, try changing the size of the view. To
do this, tap a zoom percentage on the Tools menu. In Pocket Word and Pocket Excel, on the View
menu, tap Zoom and then select a zoom percentage. In Pocket Internet Explorer, on the View
menu, tap Text Size and then select a size.
If youre having a hard time viewing Pocket Outlook data, try enlarging the display font. To do
this within Calendar, Tasks, or Contacts, tap Tools, then Options, and then select Use large font.
Inaccurate response to stylus taps
Adjust the touch screen to respond more accurately to screen taps. Tap and then Settings. On
the System tab, tap Align Screen. You can also launch the touch screen alignment procedure by
pressing the Fn key and then pressing 4.
Slow or no response
Reset the Pocket PC Terminal. See Reset the Pocket PC Terminal and clear memory, earlier in
this appendix.
Infrared (IR) connection problems
If you are unable to use IR to transfer information, try the following:
Transfer only one file or no more than 25 contact cards at a time.
Orient the IR ports so there is a straight, unobstructed path between, and so they are no further
than 20cm apart.
Make sure nothing is between the two IR ports.
Adjust the room lighting. Some types of light interfere with IR connections. Try moving to a
different location or turning off some lights.
Modem connection problems
You may encounter the following problems when using a modem. Additional troubleshooting
information is available in Connections Help on the Pocket PC Terminal and ActiveSync Help on
the desktop computer.
Cant dial out
Remove your Pocket PC Terminal from the cradle or disconnect the cable. You cannot connect
using a modem if your Pocket PC Terminal has an active connection with the desktop
Verify that the modem is firmly seated and connected to your Pocket PC Terminal and the
telephone jack.
Make sure the telephone line is analog. (Analog telephone lines transmit data in analog instead
of digital form. Your home telephone line is most likely analog, while office telephone lines are
often digital.)
If you create a modem connection for an external modem, select Hayes Compatible on COM1
as your modem. If you are using a modem card, select the modem card as your modem.
To use an external modem, you need to use a NULL modem cable and appropriate adapters to
connect the external modem to your Pocket PC Terminal.