If you did not specify an update schedule in step 3, you will need to manually download
content to keep the information updated on your desktop computer and Pocket PC
Terminal. Before synchronizing with your Pocket PC Terminal, in Internet Explorer on
your desktop computer, click Tools and then Synchronize. You will see the last time
content that was downloaded to the desktop computer, and you can manually download
content if needed.
You can add a button to the Internet Explorer toolbar for creating mobile favorites. In
Internet Explorer 5 on your desktop computer, click View, Toolbars, and then
To save Pocket PC Terminal memory
Mobile favorites take up storage memory on your Pocket PC Terminal. Use the following
techniques to minimize the amount of memory used.
• In the settings for the Favorites information type in ActiveSync options, turn off pictures and
sounds or stop some mobile favorites from being downloaded to the Pocket PC Terminal. For
more information, see ActiveSync Help.
• Limit the number of downloaded linked pages. In Internet Explorer on the desktop computer,
right-click the mobile favorite you want to change and then Properties. On the Download tab,
specify 0 or 1 for the number of linked pages you want to download.
Channels are Web sites designed specifically for offline viewing on your Pocket PC Terminal.
You can subscribe to two types of channels at no fee: AvantGo Channels and mobile channels.
Using AvantGo Channels
AvantGo is a free interactive service that gives you access to personalized content and thousands
of popular Web sites. Unlike mobile channels, you can subscribe to AvantGo channels directly
from your Pocket PC Terminal. Then, you synchronize your Pocket PC Terminal and desktop
computer or connect to the Internet to download the content. For more information, visit http://
To sign up for AvantGo
1. In ActiveSync options on the desktop computer, turn on synchronization for the AvantGo
information type.
2. In Pocket Internet Explorer on your Pocket PC Terminal, tap the Favorites button to display
your list of favorites.
3. Tap the AvantGo Channels link.
4. Tap the Activate button.
5. Follow the directions on the screen. You will need to synchronize your Pocket PC Terminal
with your desktop computer and then tap the My Channels button to complete the AvantGo
When synchronization is complete, tap the AvantGo Channels link in your list of favorites to see a
few of the most popular channels. To add or remove channels, tap the Add or Remove link.