
Note about this specification:
Bryant created this specification in “Masterformat” as published by the Construction Specification Institute. Please feel
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Rooftop Packaged Heat Pump
HVAC Guide Specifications
Size Range: 3 to 8 .5 Nominal Tons
Thisproduct hasbeen designedand manufactured to
meet EnergyStar® criteriafor energyefficiency.
However,properrefrigerant chargeand proper airflow
instructions.Failuretoc onfirmproperchargeand
airflowmayreduce energyefficiency andshorten
equipment life.
Section Description
23 06 80 Schedules for Decentralized HVAC Equipment
23 06 80.13 Decentralized Unitary HVAC Equipment Schedule
23 06 80.13.A. Rooftop unit schedule
1. Schedule is per the projec t specification requirements.
23 07 16 HVAC Equipment Insulation
23 07 16.13 Decentralized, Rooftop Units:
23 07 16.13.A. Evaporator fan compartment:
1. Interior cabinet surfaces shall be insulated with a minimum 1/2 --in. thick, minimum 1 1/2 lb density, flexible
fiberglass insulation bonded with a phenolic binder, neoprene coated on the air side.
2. Insulation and adhesive shall meet NFPA 90A requirements for flame spread and smoke generation.
23 07 16.13.B. Electric heat com partment:
1. Aluminum foil--faced fiberglass insulation shall be used.
2. Insulation and adhesive shall meet NFPA 90A requirements for flame spread and smoke generation.
23 09 13 Instrumentation and Control Devices for HVAC
23 09 13.23 Sensors and Transmitters
23 09 13.23.A. Thermostats
1. Thermostat must
a. have capability to energize 2 different stages of cooling, and 2 different stages of heating.
b. include capability for occupancy scheduling.
23 09 23 Direct--digital Control system for HVAC
23 09 23.13 Decentralized, Rooftop Units:
23 09 23.13.A. N/A
23 09 23.13.B. Multi--protocol, direct digital controller:
1. Shall be ASHRAE 62--2001 compl iant.
2. Shall accept 18--30VAC, 50--60Hz, and consumer 15VA or less power.
3. Shall have an operating temperature range from --40_F(--40_C) to 130_F(54_C), 10% -- 90% RH (non--condens-
4. Shall incl ude built--in protocol for BACNET (MS/TP and PTP modes), Modbus (RTU and ASCII), Johnson N2
and LonWorks. LonWorks Echelon processor required for all Lon applications shall be contained in separate com-
munication board.
5. Shall allow access of up to 62 network variables (SNVT). Shall be compatible with all open controllers
6. Baud ra te Controller shall be selectable using a dipswitch.