Embroidery Edit
Uninterrupted Embroidering
(Using a Single Color)
A selected pattern can be stitched out in one color
instead of multicolor. The machine will hesitate
but not stop between color steps, and then
continue till the pattern is completed. Press
for the multicolor steps to become shaded and the
selected pattern will embroider in a single color,
instead of changing the thread while
embroidering. Press again to return to the
pattern’s original settings.
Basting Embroidery
Before embroidering, basting stitches can be sewn
along the outline of the pattern. This is useful for
embroidering fabric that cannot have stabilizer
material affixed with an iron or adhesive. By
stitching stabilizer material to the fabric, shrinkage
of the stitching or misaligned pattern can be
Press , and then display 7/7 of the
settings screen.
Use and to specify the distance
from the pattern to the basting stitching.
• It is recommended to finish combining and
editing the pattern before selecting the bast-
ing setting. If the pattern is edited after
selecting the basting setting, the basting and
pattern may become misaligned, and the
basting under the pattern may be difficult to
remove after embroidering is complete.
• The higher the setting, the farther the bast-
ing is from the pattern.
• The setting remains selected even if the
machine is turned off.