•• AAllllooww oonnllyy qquuaalliiffiieedd LLPP ggaass ddeeaalleerrss ttoo pprrooppeerrllyy ffiillll oorr rreeppaaiirr yyoouurr LLPP ggaass ccyylliinnddeerr..
•• NNeeww ttaannkkss sshhoou
ulldd bbee ppuurrggeedd pprriioorr ttoo ffiilllliinngg;; iinnffoorrmm LLPP ggaass ddeeaalleerr iiff yyoouu aarree uussiinngg aa nneeww ttaannkk..
•• DDOO NNOOTT aallllooww tthhee c
cyylliinnddeerr ttoo bbee ffiilllleedd bbeeyyoonndd 8800%% ccaappaacciittyy.. OOvveerr--ffiilllleedd ttaannkkss ccaann ccrreeaattee aa
ddaannggeerroouuss ccoonnddiittiioonn.. OOvveerr--f
fiilllleedd ttaannkkss ccaann bbuuiilldd--uupp pprreessssuurree aanndd ccaauussee tthhee rreelliieeff vvaallvvee ttoo eexxppeell
pprrooppaannee ggaass vvaappoorrss.. TThhee vvaappoorr
iiss ccoommbbuussttiibbllee aanndd iiff iitt ccoommeess iinn ccoonnttaacctt wwiitthh aa ssppaarrkk ssoouurrccee oorr
ffllaammee aann eexxpplloossiioonn ccaauussiinngg sseevveerree b
buurrnnss,, bbooddiillyy hhaarrmm,, oorr ddeeaatthh ccoouulldd ooccccuurr..
•• AAllwwaayyss uussee aa pprrootteeccttiivvee ccyylliinnddeerr ccaapp wwhheenn ggrriillll iiss nnoott ccoon
nnneecctteedd ttoo ccyylliinnddeerr..
•• IIff yyoouu eexxcchhaannggee aa ccyylliinnddeerr wwiitthh aa qquuaalliiffiieedd eexxcchhaannggee pprrooggrraamm,, bbee ssuurree tthhee ccyylliin
nddeerr hhaass
aa TTyyppee 11 vvaallvvee aanndd aann oovveerr--ffiilllliinngg pprreevveennttiioonn ddeevviiccee ((OOPPDD))..
1. Check that the cylinder valve is closed by turning the knob clockwise.
2. Place the cylinder into the tank holder in the bottom
of cabinet.
3. Orient the cylinder such that the valve opening faces the
side burner, and so that the hose is not kinked or damaged.
4. Fully tighten the cylinder clamp underneath tank holder to
secure tank.
5. Attach or detach regulator to the LP gas cylinder only
when cylinder is at rest in tank holder.
Your grill is equipped with a Type 1 connection device with
the following features:
1. The system will not allow gas flow from the cylinder until
a positive connection to the valve has been made.
Note: The cylinder valve must be turned off before any
connection is made or removed.
2. A thermal device that will shut off the gas flow if the device is
subject to temperatures above 240°F to 300°F (115°C to
150°C). If this should happen, remove the entire regulator
assembly and dispose of properly. A replacement regulator
assembly can be purchased by contacting customer service
at 800-527-0717. The cause of the excessive heat should be
determined and corrected before using your grill again.
3. A regulator flow limiting device, when activated, restricts the
flow of gas to 10 cubic feet per hour. If the flow limiting
device is activated, perform Regulator Resetting Procedure.
Tank Holder
Cylinder Clamp
1. Turn burner control knobs to "OFF”, turn off the cylinder valve and disconnect regulator from LP gas
tank. Wait approximately two minutes.
2. Reattach regulator and slowly turn cylinder valve back on. The flow limiting device will now be reset.